Althea Knight (she/her) is a British-born Jamaican Canadian currently residing on unceded Algonquin territory, also known as Ottawa. She is a versatile, self-directed multi-disciplinary artist, exploring various mediums including painting, pastels, photography, pottery, digital art, poetry, and prose. Her creative expression is deeply influenced by her nomadic lifestyle and draws inspiration from diverse cultures, traditions, and spirituality. Common themes explored in her work include: healing, identity, social justice, and community.
With a rich background in both visual and performance art, Althea’s “Art for the Soul” has found its way into private collections, both locally and abroad. Her artistic endeavors are rooted in an anti-oppressive ethos, driven by a commitment to providing resources and programs to underserved communities.
As an educator, facilitator, community builder, and social change activist, with lived experience of mental health challenges, Althea designs and delivers talks, walks, and workshops focusing on self-care, mindfulness, meditation, mental health, and well-being for a diverse range of audiences, always incorporating art practices. Her particular focus lies in amplifying the voices of those who often go unheard or unseen.
Althea’s artistic journey is also informed by her extensive experience as a trained holistic health practitioner, which, coupled with her belief in the healing power of art and play, gave rise to the birth of The Creative Art of Being© in 2007, a program she has shared internationally with individuals and groups. She holds a Bachelor of Education degree with a TESL specialization from Concordia University, is a certified WRAP® Facilitator, a certified Mindfulness Without Borders Facilitator, and holds a Nature Ambassador designation with the Toronto Regional Conservation Authority.
May the seeds of
love and liberation
joy and inspiration
grow exponentially
for us all.