Women’s Self-Care & Wellness Thursdays at Ecuhome Corporation
12 week customized program co-designed with residents and staff

Enhancing Self-care & Wellness Together
A safe space to explore, express and empower.
Awareness and action plans.
Building and developing upon what’s already there.
Sharing resources and skills- increasing coping skills Increasing coping skills
Engaging, supporting, strengthening, & mobilizing the tenants at Ecuhome to have more energy and zest to live their lives the way they want to and together we come up with small changes that have a big impact.
Customized wellness strategies
Topics to explore as determined with the summer Women’s Wellness group:
Self-Love & sexuality
Tips & Techniques for reducing Anxiety
Wellness Tools, Identifying Triggers & Action Plans
Women’s Wellness Group Practice – experiential & interactive
Guided Mindfulness & breathing practices
Wellness Tools, Strength-based language
Inspirations, Intentions, Aspirations
Dance Breathe Stretch
Weekly Topic & Share
Check –in, Check-out & goals
Gratitude Circle
The 4 weeks will draw from one or more of the following:
Journaling, Art, Sound, Dancing, Drumming, Discussion, Movement
What it’s about:
Cultivating self-awareness • Finding one’s voice
Authenticity • Vulnerability as strength
Deepening resiliency • Increasing ability to respond rather than react
Opening to a sense of personal empowerment
Drawing on the group’s collective experiences and expertise to enhance self-concept and support their dreams and potential using action plans for goals and changes.